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TOPIC_ICON14  view post Posted on 3/5/2012, 20:20

Ciao a tutti voi del forum. qualcuno conosce questo film? non riesco a trovarlo da nessuna parte... La storia tra una ragazza musulmana ed un ragazzo cristiano...Se conoscete un link anche per vederlo in streaming. Grazie di cuore Eli
view post Posted on 5/5/2012, 19:15

non conosco questo film, ma è di produzione egiziana o straniera?
view post Posted on 7/5/2012, 14:18

Ciao Nour einy, si è di produzione egiziana, di seguito la storia in inglese trovata su facebook, diretto da Hesham Issawi

Cairo Exit is a feature length film whose production started in Cairo, 2010.

The story of Cairo Exit takes place in a small town in the outskirts of Cairo, Dar El Salaam, a city that inhabits mostly lower class, working class Egyptians. In the ancient time until the 60s this was the most fertile land but now it's slums inhabitant by all kinds of people.

The town is close to Maddi an upper class neighborhood and the local calls "the American Neignobourhood". The Nile runs through it. The city is one of the many slums that surround Cairo. In twenty minutes a person can leave old Cairo, the slums of Cairo that look like a medieval places to Zamalak or Maddi with their westernized hotels, houses and internet cafes. It's precisely the journey of the main Character, Amal, through Cairo from the slums, to modern Cairo, to Coptic and Islamic Cairo.

This journey in the bewildering chaos of the city, the visual turmoil and disorder of color is all part of the frame in Cairo Exit. In this story everyone wants to leave and everyone has a secret of his or her own. Cairo is a city of layers, ancient civilizations crumbled over each other, covered by modern way of life.

The challenge is to capture the light and dark contrasts of the city with fresh eyes— to create a visceral, immediate experience for audiences, immersing them in the sweltering heat and small alleyways. Since we're shooting in the heart of the city's infamous but rarely explored slums, capturing their energy and urgency on-the-fly, with an unforced realism.

By using a hand-held camera to reflect the urgency of the city, the disorder of details and to activate the perception of loneliness for the characters. With a distilled narrative and a closely attentive camera, the story offer up characters, often members of what might be called the struggling classes, who are humanized through their daily choices.

Vediamo se qualcuno lo conosce.... Buona giornata a tutti Eli
view post Posted on 7/5/2012, 14:20

se e' quello che in titolo originale si chiama "el khoroug"
prova qui

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